Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Running Teacher :師走

Dusting off of the traditional bathhouse, preparing for the new year
Teachers are busy throughout a year.   During the month of December, it seems unbelievably busy for anyone in many ways.  In Japanese, the traditional way of December is called 師走 (she-wa-su).  The Chinese character 師 (she) means teacher and 走 (wa-su) means run.  I learned that even calm teachers run around everywhere to orchestrate and make sure everything is under control in December.  In the regular academic work, students and school staff clean up all around the school property in order to welcome the new year. 

In addition to the daily clean up time, they have a special "All School Cleaning Day" in Japanese public schools.  The tradition すす払い (soo- soo- harai), the end of the year dusting, has been in temples, shrines, and ordinary residences.  People wants to dust off and polish everywhere before the new year.  Dust also means one year's full of complaints, pains, and negatives.  Dusting off all of the negatives means to get ready to make a room for the fresh and happiness in the coming year.  No wonder teachers are running around to get brooms, dust pans, mops, buckets, and rags for their students. 

Another hustle before the winter break is the report cards.  Many Japanese teachers still use stamps and handwriting for their report cards.  In addition to the report cards, their cumulative folders requires different reports individually. 

Then, there are some party times after school hours.  Young teachers must call up restaurants or catering businesses to reserve and organize the staff party which is called, 忘年会(bow-nen-kai).  It is common in a lot of organizations and circles of friends to hold parties in December.  People try to forget about what have happened during the year, especially the negative experiences, by having fun at a party.  Another party is held as 新年会(shin-nen-kai), a new year's party.   Although there is a massive amount and excitement in the end of the year party, they must have another one in January.  The level of energy is similar, but a new year's party is a significant part of families, friends, and coworkers in the country, because its meaning is to welcome happiness.  At each party, young teachers are extremely busy to pay bills that they collected from teachers.  They also visit to pour Sake (rice liquor) to elder teachers to show respect.  Young teachers cannot refuse to drink when elders offer a glass of beer.  If you are drinking woolong tea by yourself, you are considered to be rude.  Can you believe that there is a second party and a third party after each major party? 

Yes, Japanese teachers are running everywhere between classrooms and the staff lounge and between school and party destinations.  Shopping and wrapping Christmas gifts are busy but nothing like Japanese teachers' stress, especially young teachers' traditional and social demand and pressure.  When I think of my memories in Japan, I take a deep breath, and remind myself, "Don't run.  Walk.  You will be fine without running."  That's how I survived in December 2012.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Discussions in Math

Three teachers started talking about the learning focus on the Lesson Study.  As newbies, our meeting was like walking into deep fog.   In the relaxed atmosphere, we realized that our students need to understand what they are really thinking by communicating.  So applying some discussion elements in the lesson was a very natural direction to start up with.  What about the subject?  "Reading has vast opportunities for discussion," one brought up.  What about math?  On that day, we concluded to not include math because of its simplicity.  Everybody looks satisfied.

That night, I was thinking about the discussion possibilities in math.  The regular discourse in this subject wouldn't require such sophisticated conversation skills.  For example, reply to the question, "What is the answer you came up with?" could be "2 apples."  It is not even a complete sentence.  And it is the beauty of math.  But what if students put their heads together to tackle the story problems?  Yes, just like Math Olympiad.  They don't have to be math whizzes.  I became quite hopeful to try to train all of my students to contribute their ideas in the small group settings.

My college intern got excited for this plan next morning.  We brainstormed the specific protocol for the discussion so that a leading student can follow.  We made six sets of cards in in rings.

1.    I am ____ and I lead our discussion today.  Please follow the discussion rules. (Read Discussion Expectations.) Here is the problem that we are going to solve. (Read a problem.)

2.    What information do we know about this problem? (underline)

3.    What do we have to solve? (wavy line)

4.    What strategies might we use?
·         “My idea is ______.  What do you think?”
·         “I agree with ____ because_______.”
·         “I disagree with ______ because ______.”

5.     Let’s organize and write our solutions in the notebook.
Discussion Expectations:
·         Speak one at a time when allowed.
·         Look and listen to a speaker with respect.
·         Agree to disagree.

I    Eye-witnessing six leaders proudly leading their own groups was an amazing experience.  Each team has different strengths. While I was listening to their conversation, I could provide appropriate suggestions and necessary re-directions/re-teaching in the small groups.  I got a good feeling in terms of student engagement in this math discussion activity.  My next step is to assure that they are able to solve similar problems independently.

    I cannot wait for the next Lesson Study meeting.  We are going to design some lessons together, finally.  I now know whatever subject we choose, both teachers and students must have common understanding of discussion.  Then, practice.  I hope we will  find fantastic outcomes in our students' academic achievement and self-esteem.



Friday, November 16, 2012

Finally Friendship Friday

"Today is Friendship Friday!" Children were exchanging their excitement to each other like spilling out from the school bus in the chilly morning.  Some kids were still doubtfully asking, "Are we really going to have Friendship Friday?"  I smiled back to them, "Yes, we are!" 

At 8:30, our principal's calm husky voice came through the intercom.  "We are going to have our first Friendship Friday this morning.  You may start moving to your designated classroom."  All 5th graders stood up to team up.  2nd grade students are waiting for them.  4th graders were unexpectedly assigned for 1st graders.  No problem.  Soon my classroom filled up with different faces from nervous little first graders to 5th graders who are ready to lead their group.  One third grade girl asked, "Teacher, did you call 3rd graders little ones?"  I quickly reply, "No way.  You should be big enough to take care of yourself and maybe have extra time to help others."  She was satisfied with a big grin. 

Our counselor's plan hit both targets, self control and leadership opportunity.  "What do you think the best rule for the safe and comfortable school?"  As the discussion began, nervousness among students started to melt.  With 5th and 4th graders facilitation, small groups, all students contributed their ideal rules.  "Be kind," "Walk in the hallway," "Use nice words," Keep our hands to ourselves," and more and more.  Soon our list was full of positive ideas.

"Now, we are going to trace our hands.  You are one of 650 hands. You are going to write your name and your idea of rule for a safe and comfortable school.  650 hands are going to up in the cafeteria next week!"  "Wow, 650?  That is a big number!" a boy with glasses exclaimed.  I asked, "Are we ready?"  As soon as I hear "yes," 25 kids are all over in the classroom tracing their hands.  I praised when heard "Thank you" from someone.  It was contagious.  One minute after the beginning of tracing, I noticed the 5th graders are standing by 1st graders and 2nd graders.  Also, 3rd graders were assisting to hold papers for 5th graders.  Of course, there were a room full of thank you's. 

The closing circle was another incredible experiences among children.  A shy little first grade girl mumbled, "4th grader helped me today.  I like that."  A big 5th grader shared, "3rd grade boy helped me!" 

I truly felt like I was bringing in my culture in this learning community because Friendship Friday idea is coming from cross grade experiences in Japanese schools.  Younger people exhibit respect to older people, even it's only one year older.  Older people's duty is to take care of younger ones, even it's only one year younger.  Since this is the culture of their land, it is easily implement cross grade activities in schools in Japan.  For example, it's common to see older students and younger students clean school properties during school time.  6th grader walks to school with 4-6 younger students behind him.  A group of older students visit 1st grade classes to help reading and serve lunches.  Different things happen in different places, but we can utilize anything good for kids anywhere.  Through cross grade interaction, they can build the new and positive relationship.  They would grow a respect and responsibility with and without words.  Thus, I am pretty content that the first Friendship Friday happened today with such a positive atmosphere. 

Later in the playground, one girl with a piggy tails approached me, "Thank you for making Friendship Friday happen today."  How did she know I was involved in this plan?  It doesn't matter.  Feeling overwhelmed, I noted, "You are welcome.  I am glad you had a good time."  Something like this never happened in Japan as far as I was a student and a teacher there.  It was a bonus for me by successfully sharing one of my strengths that nobody had known in the U.S.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mama's at School

One of new discoveries in the U.S. was to acknowledge a large number of mothers who decided to go back to school.  These courageous women often work full time or part time with multiple number of children.  No wonder American moms are so powerful and energetic. 

The student intern attending to my classroom is one of them.  I see her with awe literally every day especially when I have flashback memories of my student teaching days.  I admit I was a cocky and sassy college girl.  Sadly true, too, was that I misunderstood my cockiness and sassiness were confidence.  Of course the age matters, however, the life experience is one of the largest factors that would turn around your perspectives.  As a full time student, I was in my small college dorm wondering all about myself all by myself.  I often thought about the daily meals I had to feed myself.  I dream about my future.  I juggled my schedule among classes, parties, part time works, travels, etc.  I picked up the phone and complained to my friend about my teacher after each night of my student-teacher's days.  They are all necessities in the process of independence that I value, however, I forgot a piece of puzzle in my college year.  Being humble.

It is always simple.  Eating dinner with family.  Talking about what a great meal we are sharing.  Exchanging "I love you" each day.  Hugging just because I want to.  Being a center of the family is hassle and sometimes it could be a burden.  At the same time, family experiences enrich and make you grow as a person.  It is priceless.  These women miraculously manage everything, from today's dinner, children's homework, Thanksgiving menu, and more, on top of their own school work!   Being loved, appreciative, and humble are the incredible reasons why mothers exhibit resilience on their own learning as they are.  That's why I admire moms at school.

As a mother and an educator, I would like to support moms who want to learn as much as I can.  I would like moms to take advantage of their strength and maturity by just being a mom, if they ever want to pursue career.  Starting to learn is never too late.  When your blood starts boiling for learning, that is the time at however age you are.  Similarly true that learning will never end.  I hope wives and moms in Japan are interested in my voice.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Differentiation in Action

 Math Kids

Differentiated instruction sounds quite important in both Japan and the U.S.  It doesn't surprise me if there are some different approaches between the two countries.  But don't you think it's a wonderful idea to take the best extracts from each country and put them together in my own classroom?

Walk to Math instructional model has been practiced in an elementary school in Tokyo where I visited last summer.  It was the similar model of Walk to Read that has been popularly used in Reading First schools in the U.S.  Basically, students are placed to the most appropriate achievement level by the initial screening assessment.  The beliefs behind is that students could receive more focused instructions in the homogenous groups than heterogeneous groups.   To close the academic gap, each teacher takes less students than original classroom by dividing two classes into three groups.  Principal of  this school sounded pleased and proud of her teachers' collaboration team and effectiveness in students' performances. 

While visiting this Japanese School, the assistant principal shared with me about "Tokyo Minimum," the special instructional guide based on the research result conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Education Department.  The study found some critical points in the literacy and math.   The critical points, they define, are the skills for foundation for the next level.  For example in math, composing and decomposing 5 and 10 are considered to be critical in 1st grade.  In order to be competent in additions and subtractions in grade 2, students need to demonstrate efficient manipulation skills with fives and tens. I was thinking, if there were some weakness found in Japan, it would be quite a few in the U.S.  Perhaps the critical points might be similar.  In reality, number sense was one of the topics that Tokyo educational officials urged to improve as the same weak area as Measurement of Academic Progress identified in my class.

While contemplating, Math para educator stepped in my room.   "Good news!  I will be available for 30 minutes because of the schedule change."  What a great timing!  Now I have three adults in my room for 30 minutes for 3 days a week; myself, para teacher, and a student teacher.   Quickly I redesigned my math period with the focused (on number sense) center activities which I named "Number Lab". The different level of activities and activities are pulled and instructed by the trained staff.   The computer math program is in the rotation to strengthen their skills as well.  Later I found that the math coach would be willing to join Number Lab for 2 days a week, which makes our program for 5 days a week!  Reorganized the bookshelf to store different worksheets for the different levels, created the tentative monthly plan, and introduced to my students about Number Lab.   I get to sit closely with my students to play games and facilitate the conversation.  "I don't want to quit," one child whined when the ending bell rang.  I look forward to checking their progress of place value and multi-digit addition and subtraction.   Differentiation, at least for now, gives all children positive and confident experiences.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Students in a Bubble

Never spoiled Sushi Plate
Who cares about math talk during the presidential debate?  Evidently, I did, maybe all day long.  Earlier today, I met the district reading coach and Special Education director.  Our topics shifted from identifying struggling students from the Measurement of  Academic Progress to brainstorming to the possible differentiation, instructions, strategies, grouping, and possible materials.  In our examination, it was clear to identify which kid have difficulties in each or linked areas of five reading components, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.  There are some programs that we are currently using (STAR, Accelerated Readers, and Read Live Naturally) fit in the progress monitoring.  Three of us and my intern were quite ecstatic of how well we have been managing our students with adequate instructional grouping and models.   We were very hopeful.

Then, afternoon came.  I couldn't stop thinking about another meeting with the district math coach.  My anxiety level was getting higher as if I had already known it would not be going to be the same as the reading talk.    While analyzing data from the MAP math test, we easily found out the population that is called "in the bubble".  Students in the bubble are on or slightly below the grade level boarder line.  I asked, "I wonder if there is some progress monitoring tool for math.  As you know, Reading has a few."  The coach Lisa sighed, "I know."  We both knew there was a hard brick wall in front of us.   Unlike Reading, Math is tricky because there are way more learning targets than five components that students are required to master before the next grade level.  Specificity in the current state standards and upcoming Common Core State Standards are surely helpful to focus on mathematical skills.  But when you think about monitoring learning (mastering) progress on "bubble students", it is extremely overwhelming for teachers. 

Our discussion focus moved forward to what kind of tools, schedule, and human resources are possibly available.  Well, the teachers' plate is already full of good stuff, almost spilling out of it.  Think about it.  If you spill the food on the floor, sadly it is a waste.  How essential to keep only adequate amount of quality items on the plate!  Teachers must feed them all before the food is spoiled.  In that regard, I don't think I need more or new materials for now.  I would like to chew and taste each of food items.  Then my vision expanded the scene of the party that people enjoy.  This is when the collaboration chimes in.  Invite a team of teachers to discuss about food (instructional materials) we have.  Party is always fun.  Collaboration must work.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Controlled Chaos

I had longed for creativity and freedom while teaching in Tokyo.  The elementary school was by the worldly famous fisherman's market and (therefore) several hidden Sushi bars were available nearby. All students wore the navy blue uniform.  All classrooms line the students' desks in rows with no exceptions.  Four or five students move their desks together during the collaborative group assignment, of course, under the teacher's instruction.  Students seem to be very engaged.  But each group's assignment is always the same because teachers want to conclude the day's concept by comparing and reflecting each others' activity report/result.  Although this approach is beneficial to the students' learning, as a freshman teacher, I questioned in my mind, "Why does every group have to do the same activities all the time?"  I have never shared my question.  Why?  Because that is what most teachers have been doing.  No one, especially then younger ones, stand up and ask about the instructional system that is currently working without any major problems. 

So I was stunned what I saw during my internship in early 90s in a little town of Idaho.  The second grade classroom was in chaos right in front of my very own eyes.   Students were scattered randomly  at their desks, at the big table, and on the floor.  On the floor?????  I couldn't believe my eyes.  There were different activities going on simultaneously, which, I have never done or seen in Japan.  Observing a little closer, I realized this chaos was well under control.  Except for one student rolling on the floor during the entire lesson, every student seemed to know what they had to do.  My host teacher wisely whispered, "Welcome to America, this is called center activities."  Nice to meet you, Center Activities!

To this day, the centers enable to differentiate my teaching instructions.  Today's 3rd grade reading centers went well.  Groups are divided based on the correct words per minute and previous year's MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) test scores.  Perhaps most teachers would call it the guided reading group, but manageable centers are my motto while students were on their own.  Basically, I don't believe in "Read to Self" for students whose reading level is more than one grade level below.   Individual working options today were: 1. Dictionary...To be familiar with dictionary  by simply copying guided words and all entry words.  2. Cursive Handwriting Practice...Individual students work on their own without interruption.  I let two students at a time (from the same group) play with Leap Frog's Talking Globe for the geography connection.  Students quickly and quietly take turns.  3.  E-Word Games on Computer...Individual student on the station with a headphone, reviewing vocabulary words that we had just learned in Tier one.  4. Guided Reading Group:  Assign books at the groups level.  Depending on the reading level, students read aloud with me, without me, or read quietly.  Each page, we discuss about the focus reading strategy of the week.  I transition from prediction to summary to the middle group.   During discussion, I dictated their summary as a model.  My timer rings every 15 minutes, so all groups can rotate to every center in an hour.  I felt accomplished.  So did my students.  One student suggested, "Mrs. Hallinan, YOU have to put our celebration marble in the jar for you and us!" 

Children with different hair colors engage in the different centers in such an orderly manner that almost reminds me of my Japanese students.  Today, I feel like I answered my own question from a quarter century ago.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Explicit Instruction

I just finished reading the article, The Writing Revolution by Peg Tyre in the October issue of Atlantic magazine.  It made me think again that what we have been ignoring for a long time, "explicit instruction".  Good news is the grade level standards will be clear in upcoming Common Core State Standards.  So explicit instructions must exist in many ways in our classrooms.  Needles to say, there are so many companies spending a lot of time and money to create the lesson plans in writing. 

While my mother-in-law shared her schooling experiences in the highly honored Catholic High School in 50s, my impression was the Catholic schooling sounded really like Japanese schools.  Teacher (nun) taps a ruler on their palms and walks between isles of desks.  If they find the inappropriate postured student at her desk, there is no mercy.  Bum!  The ruler smashes the skin.  My kindergarten teacher walked around with 50 cm ruler to insert it between shirt and neck when my back was not straight.  The bamboo ruler's texture froze my spine.  In these similar circumstances, similar expectations were on the table beyond the cultural differences. 

The writing models that were used in Catholic school in 1950s were "explicit".  My mother-in-law keeps telling me the sentence structure lessons she has learned endlessly.  One the contrast, Japanese writing is not a separated subject from reading.  The writing model is inserted accordingly between reading stories.  In each writing session, the text books show the model (sample) writing piece.  A teacher teaches the concept in that lesson, the class analyzes how it's used in the anchor paper, then, all students try to use that strategy in their own writing piece.  For example, there is the story grabber (interesting beginning that invites readers immediately).  "Ring, ring, ring!  I darted to the telephone.  I know who was calling."  The grabber is obviously the telephone noise so that students think about their original onomatopoeia to start their entries.

"Explicit" is the word that I first heard in 2002 in the Reading First School.  The whole school treated the word with revolutionary enthusiasm.  But, at that time, I didn't realize that I grew up in the explicit instructions at the other side of Pacific Ocean.   Good system should be found and implemented.  I am honored to be a part of teaching team that gets to involved in the explicit instruction with "live" experiences.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Magic of Acknowledgement

Growing up in Far East, I don't recall any specific memories of being praised in school or at home.  Whether if you raise your hand or or were quiet, they are plain and simple ordinary expectations that you must demonstrate without any excuses. You may not pass your teachers without a bow in the hallway even if you are in hurry.  So, I used to wonder why the U.S. teachers, almost without exception, thank students so easily for raising their hand and being quiet.  Soon I realized that I was experiencing a type of culture shock.

Mr. Lucky Sun was my third grade teacher.  There is a saying of typical fearful items in Japan, "Earthquake, Thunder, Fire, and Old Man".  When you say aloud in the original language phrase, ending two rhyming lines make a whole picture extremely unique in sound. You might not resist to repeat it again although all words are symbolized of disasters.  The old man, in this case, was Mr. Lucky Sun.  I was not afraid of earthquake, thunder, or fire, but Mr. Lucky Sun.  His commanding voice, especially in P.E., would instantly chill everyone's blood.  Contradictory, I liked him a lot because of the 2' by 3' sized certificates for the signature of a good job.  A little tiny sized certificate reminded me almost of a train ticket, but it was 100 times worth than a train ticket.  While no teacher or any adults ever had applauded my accomplishments, this tiny recognition of my achievement motivated me in the active participation, the number of hand raising, and research presentation.  It was not a pizza party or a prize box.  It was just a hand written construction piece of paper.  Mr. Lucky Sun never thanked me for raising my hand, but acknowledged me for what I was doing.

An interesting connection of this arose several decades later in the western soil.  One of the techniques in "Teaching Love and Logic"is to walk by a student and whisper what he/she does.  For instance, "You are writing carefully in your notebook."  It should be a simple description without any judgmental opinion of good or bad.  Students are empowered by their own teacher's acknowledgement.  "Somebody is always and truly caring about me," the young one would consider.  The positive rapport make these youngsters want to do good for this teacher.  Even teachers, like the scarey teacher Mr. Lucky Sun, must remember they have their own magic of acknowledgement in the tool box.   Pick up this wand and swing it!  It will magically shorten the distance between your students and you'll be like a tide that tries to reach to the land.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cafeteria Menu

About two years ago, I confessed to one of the experienced colleagues, "I am so disappointed.  I study, prepare, and deliver the best lessons (I believe) everyday.  Kids look so engaged.  But look at this score!  I feel hopeless and powerless.  What am I doing wrong?"  She put her gentle hand on my shoulder and comforted me, "I know."  Then she shared the analogy that her husband (happened to be a teacher) gave her.  Think about the cafeteria.  All the food items are the things we provide.  We think about all students with the best care, select the best possible food, and provide them on the counter.  We believe all food (lessons, guidance, and other educational interaction) highly benefit on students' academic progress without a doubt.  Sadly, though, it's true that kids don't necessarily pick everything.  Some kids pick one while other pick three or more.  Perhaps, all.  In summary, although we do our part (teaching) with maximum effort, the level of comprehension vary depending on the students and other factors, such as family involvement.  "So, don't feel bad.  We all experience your frustrating feelings." Narrowing the academic gap is challenging.  But we have to do something about it, I thought.

Then, just recently, this same analogy popped up again, in my brain.  This time, it is about the teaching gap.   In the international comparison, Japanese math score is higher than the U.S.  Let's say, hypothetically, it is because of teachers' quality.  I implemented the cafeteria analogy when I think of it.  The U.S. technology and research quality are extraordinary.  There are outstanding number of educational professionals and resources are available for 24 hours a day.  Teachers are to access to these remarkable tools that are all research based.  Teachers are provided new ideas and instruction strategies in weekly bases.  What is the problem?  Well, teachers are like students.  They don't necessarily take everything that is provided.  While some teachers implement every resource, other teachers would make a pile of papers at the corner of their rooms.  They pick up all the food, but end up throwing some away because it is too much.  Some teachers try to eat all, however, those teachers have digestive problems.  You have seen overwhelming and exhausted teachers in many occasions. 

Now look at the lunch in Japanese schools.   Everyday menu is designed by the professional nutritionist.  Each menu is selected based on the product that grow during that season.  Also, the traditional festival food menu is considered to learn about their community and its history.  It sounds like the simple lunch is very involved in education beyond just a simple nutrition lesson.  All calories are calculated for the age appropriate amount.  Students have no option to say, "No, thank you," to the server.  (Side note; all servers are student's helpers!)  You must eat all in the menu.  If you are a slow eater, chances are, you would be still eating until you are done during recess.  Not having option is not so fun, but it is evident that everybody is putting what they are supposed to eat into their mouths.   When all food items are eventually digested, everybody becomes content.  Eventually, it is absorbed all over the body organs for millions of different functions.  No food is wasted.

Teachers' Professional Development in Japan is a reflection of their school lunch.  There are not as many choices as the U.S., however, they have to complete (digest) everything that is provided.  There is no opt out option.  Whether if you like or not, you have to eat all and digest until it becomes nutritious.  Teachers celebrate when their time and hard work are finally paid off, even though some teachers might have started reluctantly.  Student's academic achievement is an apparent evidence from the Lesson Study that Japanese teachers have been practicing in their professional development.  This cohesive approach maintains their teaching at high level as their common understanding. 

It is absolutely fine with the idea of "pick and choose", but why don't we do it "together"?  What should we pick?  How should we use?  How can we support each other?  Discussion will be endless.  A powerfully united professional development team will bring the academic proficiency in all students that we are looking for. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What Would You Do?

The first day of school is around the corner.  In fact, it's coming up less than a week. I start visualizing what kind of kids are coming into my classroom.  What kind of behavior am I going to deal with?  Although obviously I am very optimistic and hopeful in the beginning of the year, every year, I hit the first obstacle as early as the second week.  Then, I got depressed.  Why?  Because I was not prepared.  I think I need some virtual exercises prior to the  first day.  Here are some of lines I might hear;
  1. "I'm done.  What do I do next."
  2. "I don't want to."
  3. "I don't like it."
  4. "I can't think."
  5. "I don't care."
  6. "I don't know."
I am thinking how I would respond to these innocent (hopefully!) comments.  Thanks to Love and Logic, I learned these words are the valuable opportunities for kiddos to raise their responsibilities.  So my line would be, "What are you going to do?" with empathy.  If their own solution works for them, great.  If not, let them keep thinking.  If I raise responsible students by allowing them affordable mistakes in the learning community, I should be happily teaching.  So at the end of today, I feel still hopeful.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Like a Champion

Just like millions of other people around the world, I have been positively influenced by the 2012 London Olympics.  The accomplishments at any levels, winning the medals or not, are evident on the TV screen throughout these exclamatory seventeen days.  The athletes' sportsmanship (except during some of the badminton matches) are easily transformed into motivation and encouragement for the children who are about to go back to school.  I too, am looking forward to sharing some of the glorious moments of the team U.S.A. in my classroom.  At the same time, I would like to discuss with young stars, what a true champion is.

Think Like a Champion.  What would a champion think in a terrible situation?  For instance, the America's favorite gymnast, Jordyn Wieber's disappointment was beyond most people's belief and we all knew how devastated she was when she learned that she was not going to the individual final.  What did Jordyn think?  Redemption.  She flipped her situation from the unsatisfactory result to a positive attitude towards the team final.  True champions have been trained to motivate themselves by themselves.  Their mental training must be as extraordinary as their physical training.  It is absolutely difficult for a 16 years old girl to manage the whole nation's disappointment.  You can define if this is a true champion or not when this person is in trouble. 

Talk Like a Champion.  Again, Jordyn Wieber's quote: "I am disappointed, but I am also happy for my best friends Gabby and Aly.  I want them to do their best."  After so many days of intense workouts for this big event, some athletes act sour to the interviewer for their unexpected results.  A true champion always focuses on the positive side, even if it seems so small.  There is no time for pitying themselves because the true champions always must move forward.  They have to reach higher each time. 

Act Like a Champion.  Celebrating the victory seems so appropriate at the medal ceremony.  The best part of this process is shaking hands before the podium.  Congratulating each other shows a beautiful act of sportsmanship and respect.  Even outside of the podium, the athletes' gratitude spreads towards all staff, coaches, team mates, judges, etc, who are involved in the game.  It is seldom to see whining (forever) athletes. The Japanese women's soccer coach commented after the final match, in which someone claimed the referee made a wrong call at the P.K., "I respect the referee's decision."   Their silver medal is beyond worth to be called the true champions.

I am fantasizing if these Champion traits happens in my classroom and school.  What I should think when I hear, "I am not playing with him because he is cheating!"  How should I talk to a student who tattles, "Such and such called me a name!"  How should I act during the boring staff meeting?  It all realistically comes to me.  I will think like a champion.  I will talk like a champion.  I will act like a champion.  So I will be a champion.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blend Lesson Study

 From What is a Research Lesson?  by Catherine Lewis

Above is the powerful visual support for how teachers in the U.S. and Japan differently improve their instruction.  The grey color represents Choose curriculum, write curriculum, align curriculum, write local standard.  Red follows and states Plan lesson individually.  The next color, purple, stands for Plan lesson collaboratively.  The last color green says Watch and discuss each others' classroom lessons.  

Isn't it so true, how many, many teachers burn out by dealing with curriculum?  I have heard of several retired teachers lamenting, "I can't do it anymore."  The fortunate advantage in Japan is the high quality and consistent national common curriculum.  Like these triangles show, Japanese teachers don't have to spend so much time on developing the curriculum itself.  That is one enormous relief off from their plate.  Although there are different stress points here and there in Japan, the fact is that evidently whatever stress they have is not from curriculum development.  This fact allows teachers more time to develop and strengthen for the hands-on part in the classroom.  The rest of the colors (red, purple, and green) implicate directly what and how to deliver quality of lessons to students.  If you want to demonstrate the best practices in your classroom, you have to spend energy and time in your own classroom instead of spending endless time on writing standards.  

Next, it seems like both countries spend a similar amount of time on the lesson planning (red and purple). The U.S instruction triangle represents more red than purple, versus another country, it is the opposite.  During the busy schedule, plus a large amount of extra time on organizing curriculum, it is almost impossible for teachers to find collaborative planning time.  It is obvious that the quality of lessons vary depending on teachers' skill levels. Yes, the teaching gap is existing, however, it is an elephant in the room.   

In my collaborative lesson planning experiences a few years back, the atmosphere throughout all staff training sessions were negative and draining.  When grade level teachers gathered and began working, it was extremely difficult to even start collaborating.  I moaned and grouched during every planning session, although I knew it was important to work together.  I wondered what the reasons why my energy drained so badly.  Maybe because we were just not used to constructing lessons together.  But the Achilles’ heel was that the teaching knowledge (content, pedagogy, instruction, etc) differences were too large to compromise each other.  We clearly failed on this project that was intended to be positive. 

Another fatal failure was that this project didn't involve any activities, interactions, and conversations about what is really happening in the real classroom.  Its process and my inner voices are:  

1. Construct the lesson together...."A good way to start, I think." 
2. Do that lesson in your classroom by yourself...... "I don't know if I am doing this right..."
3. Bring the evidence of effectiveness of the lesson....."Does this paper really tell the whole picture?"

Finally, the U.S. teachers are not used to and they don't feel comfortable by being observed, according to several researches and my own experiences. However, that is the way teachers improve their instructional skills.  Listening to and sharing with the colleagues' professional observation is significantly valuable in order for the professional growth. Teachers must improve their instruction by observing each other, not for the purpose of evaluation, but learning.  The team of teachers, later,  would discuss about how the lesson went and reflect on the lesson plan they constructed.  That is the "collaboration" that we are looking for.  If we plant the "observation" during the study cycle, the teaching gap will be narrowed. The Common Core State Standard will reduce selecting curriculum time.  I have a tremendous hope on the instructional improvement by conducting the "lesson study". Now we know what's good.  The time has come.  Start looking for the funding source for substitute teachers while teachers are away for the observation in the different classroom.  Blend what's good into the instructional team!