Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Teacher's Evaluation

Ms Takahashi's face squishes in pain.  In addition to chronicle pain she was born with, she had a car accident a few years before I was in her class.  After a couple bouts of deep breathing, her smile is back, "Man, isn't it a pain or what?"  We all laugh.  

.........The classroom culture is a cognitively vibrant place,characterized by a shared belief in the importance of learning.   

........Classroom interactions among the teacher and individual students are highly respectful, reflecting genuine warmth and caring and sensitivity to students as individuals.

 No one interrupts except, "Are you ok?"  All thirty five fifth graders go back to their desk work immediately after that.  

........The teacher conveys high expectations for learning by all students and insists on hard work.

 "Discussion facilitators, please begin,"  A teacher announces.   All students move their desks into a shape like a horse shoe.  Two facilitators moves their desks to the other end of the horse shoe. 

........Students contribute to the use or adaptation of the physical environment to advance learning.

.........Routines are well understood and may be initiated by students.

One of the facilitator students calls, "Let's begin our discussion.  What do you think about actions orange farmers and Co-ops collaboration?  Tommy?"  Tommy reports, "it seems like co-ops workers are in the middle, who helps a smooth transition from the harvest to marketing oranges in the local stores and all around the country."  Liz continues, "I agree with Tommy.  I will ask my parents tonight about the collaboration piece because my parents are the orange farmers."  Discussion continues.  Ms. Takahashi is totally quiet.  We suspect she might be sleeping.

.........Students take an active role in monitoring their own behavior and that of other students against standards of conduct.

"Did you get to talk to your partner?  Is there anything else you would like to add?"  All students shake their heads.  "Then, we will adjourn our meeting today.  Ms. Takahashi?"
........Students themselves ensure that all voices are heard in the discussion.

Kids love social studies, as you notice.  But they love P.E. even better although Ms. Takahashi cannot model any of cool tricks such as balance beams, high bars, high jumps, dodge balls, jump ropes, and soft balls, because her physical motion is limited due to her disability.  She calls out, "Yasu, run on that curve, jump with curved body, and go over the bar.  You will land on the soft mat.  Kids!  Look at Yasu carefully."  Yasu's body is like a feather.  His motion reminds me of the Olympic athlete.  Now we all know what our teacher expects.

........Teacher actively seeks knowledge of students’ levels of development and their backgrounds, cultures, skills, language proficiency, interests, and special needs from a variety of sources. This information is acquired for individual students.

........The teacher’s explanation of content is thorough and clear, developing conceptual understanding through artful scaffolding and connecting with students’ interests.

Yuki knocks down a bar.  "Are you all right?"  "You can do it next time."  "Nice try."  She wipes her tears with a smile.  She is escorted by a health helper student to the nurse to clean her scrapes.  

.........Students exhibit respect for the teacher and contribute to high levels of civil interaction between all members of the class. The net result of interactions is that of connections with students as individuals.

Yes, I was in a dream class where I felt safe and encouraged.  Dream teachers exist regardless of the countries.  These teachers, who consistently inspire children and help them for the readiness of their future,  will be called "Distinguished" teacher in the new system in our state.

Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching

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